Thursday, May 23, 2013

Tippi, of Africa

I recently came across this story of a little girl, Tippi, who grew up in the African desert.  Her parents are French photographers who captured images of her growing up surrounded by some pretty amazing animals. 

In the book her parents published, Tippi of Africa, with images from her childhood, Tippi said that because she rarely saw other children, the animals became her friends. 

Read more about her story here!

Wouldn't it be so amazing to have grown up like Tippi?  It's hard to fathom what her imagination is like!  I'd be so interested to meet her today to hear about her childhood firsthand!

Wednesday, May 1, 2013

Death by Comparison

Lately, I’ve been struggling with the spirit of comparison.  I mean, I’ve been overwhelmed by it.  A majority of my thoughts center around how I lack compared to others, and quite frankly, it’s depressing.

Do you ever catch yourself comparing yourself…either negatively or positively?  Neither is good….you’re either bringing yourself down—diminishing all your positive attributes (I’ll never be as eloquent as Jim), or you’re being bombastic, stroking your ego (I’m so much luckier than Lucy—I have great style and she…well, she could use some help).   

Perhaps Dallas is just a breeding ground for comparison.  So much of my daily life swirls around materialism, and talented people, and well-dressed people, and beautiful people, and wealthy people.  Who has the nicest car in the parking garage?  Who has the best wardrobe?  Who has the latest and greatest “it” item?  All of these things totally drive comparison.  They also drive me totally INSANE!

In an effort to rid myself of these thoughts – no, lies – roaming in my head, here’s my “Death by Comparison” list. 

  • I am not creative.  I really wish I was, but I’m not.  My blog posts aren’t creative either.  There are a ton of people I know that are incredibly creative.  I only know Excel.....
  • People don’t care to hear what I have to say.  Some bloggers have tons of followers and readers…I only have 9 (who are willing to admit they follow my blog).
  • I am not as “trendy” as some girls I know.  I really try to be and I wish I was, but I’m not.  A lot of my friends are wearing Palazzo pants, and peplum tops.  I haven’t even tried this stuff on.
  • I don’t have a big group of girlfriends.  I wasn’t in a sorority.  If I’d been in a sorority, I might have a big group of girlfriends.  Oh, I’m so jealous of girls that have a big group of girlfriends to socialize with.  Hell, at this point, I’m not even sure if I have a “BFF”.  What’s wrong with me!!!
  • I work out daily, but I’m not skinny.  I’ve never seen my abs.  I know girls that NEVER work out and are in great shape…their thighs aren’t big, their tummies are taut…  I love the sun, but I hate putting on a bikini.
  • I started a small business, and it failed.  I could never get my “friends” to help me promote it.  Why don’t I have friends that would help me promote my business?  Why don’t I have friends that would be excited about this?!
  • I so desperately wish my husband would take me to Galas and Balls.  But, we’re never invited to them.  I know so many people that get to go to Balls and dress up.
  • I don’t think I’m pretty.  Honestly, I don’t.  I see beautiful, pretty people all the time---why am I not as pretty as them?
Oh. My. Gosh, see!  Death by comparison is real!  How can anyone feel good about themselves with thoughts like this!

As I thought about this post, I knew there must be some reason I am so inundated with these thoughts, and then it hit me.  Social media is driving this.  I look at people on Instagram and Facebook and Blogs, with their fabulous lives, and their beautiful friends.  I think “Wow, how lucky for them!  If only I had that!” 

You know what's completely crazy?!  I bet people look at my life and think "How lucky is she?!"  I do have a beautiful life.  I am lucky to have been blessed with everything I have.  So, my comparative thoughts are just lies.  They are lies I'm telling myself.  They are lies that I have to make sure I don't believe.

Do you catch yourself scrolling through social media comparing yourself?  Or walking around comparing yourself?  How do we find a healthy balance and stop comparing ourselves to others---aside from moving to an island where we are all alone with no Internet? 

How are you breaking the spirit of comparison before it becomes the death of you?